
In a new free eBook, Scholastica and Altmetric offer insights into the current state of research impact, the rise of altmetrics, and what it all means for scholars and journal editors.

Law review editors share how Scholastica is helping their journal more easily manage all aspects of the article selection process.

As your editorial board hurries to make article selections, are you checking off everything you need to on your to-do list? Look out for these 5 items.

Remember, as the saying about life goes, law review submission season isn't a sprint, it's a marathon.

The Todo Dashboard is a collection of your journal's to-dos across all manuscripts. You can drill down into just the tasks assigned to you, or just the tasks you've assigned to others.

The OA Journal Starter Kit has all the information you'll need to get a new open access journal up and running.

Two law review editors detail the kind of submissions that hit it out of the park for their journals.

Are you starting an open-access journal? Learn why carving out a niche in the marketplace is critical to standing out to authors and readers in this blog post.

Scholastica started an experiment to keep information flowing across team areas: weekly company-wide pairing, called Pairing Thursdays.

Can we make creativity happen? There is in fact much more intent behind creative breakthroughs than we often credit or realize.