Tag:peer reviewed journals

From your editorial board's vantage point, all the benefits of a scholarly journal management system are plain to see. But how can you make your stakeholders feel the same?

In a new free eBook, Scholastica and Altmetric offer insights into the current state of research impact, the rise of altmetrics, and what it all means for scholars and journal editors.

It's not easy to be productive all of the time - even for those working in academia! Here are some top tips to help you stay efficient!

How can scholars receive recognition for their review contributions at different journals regardless of the openness of the review? ORCID, CASRAI & F1000 Working Group propose a plan.

How journal editors and publishers are tracking alternative metrics data and pinpointing the metrics that matter most to them in order to improve their publications.

Authors of Making Institutional Repositories Work delve into the history of IRs and the experiences of libraries currently in varying stages of IR development.

What steps can scholarly journal editors take to attract more high-quality submissions needed to grow the reputation and impact of their journal? This panel-style webinar explores the many angles of this question.

Many scholarly journals have begun tracking journal performance metrics to get a granular view of their peer review processes.

Anita Harris managing editor of SubStance: A Review of Theory and Literary Criticism shares tips to write constructive rejections that authors may actually appreciate

Rather than charge authors article processing fees upon acceptance, some journals charge every author a relatively small manuscript submission fee instead. The benefits of this model are several.