At Scholastica, we know academic journal programs need to operate as efficiently as possible — that's why we've made it easy and affordable to create and host beautiful journal websites, integrate with archives and indexes, and more via our end-to-end OA publishing platform. Here's a quick overview.
The new 2nd edition of the Definitive Guide to Digital Journal Publishing covers everything you need to know to develop more digitally-driven publishing practices and improve your journal's online presence.
What does transitioning to online-only publishing entail? And what steps should journals be taking to make a smooth switch? Trish Groves shares advice.
Scholars as well as universities, research foundations, and government organizations, are encouraging journals to take steps to make their content more accessible and engaging. As a result, the notion of brand-name journals is changing.
Despite some editors questioning the Web 2.0 transition, there are scholarly journals that have been successfully publishing solely online for years that have reaped many benefits as a result.
Mark E. Wilson from the University of Auckland made a survey where he solicits thoughts from his peers on models for academic journal publishing.