Tag:academic publishing

How can journals get closer to having rich metadata and ultimately more discoverable articles? This blog post overviews five machine-readable metadata elements most commonly requested by scholarly communication stakeholders across disciplines that publishers should prioritize.

What steps can the scholarly community take to reform research evaluation and move away from relying too heavily on finite metrics that could skew the results? A recent NISO webinar series explored this question.

At Scholastica, we prioritize user experience in the development of our journal peer review, production, and Open Access hosting solutions above all else. Check out our latest round of software design improvements.

As preprint use extends beyond its origins in physics, math, law, and economics into other disciplines, how are journal publishers responding? In this blog, we overview steps journal publishers are taking to allow preprint posting and even integrate it with their publishing processes.

As the rate of evolution in the scholarly communication landscape continues to accelerate, how can journal publishers become more readily adaptive? A new Scholastica white paper explores how implementing Agile project management principles can help publishers respond to change more effectively.

What steps should scholarly publishers be taking to promote better travel routes and rules of the road for research metadata and data sharing to support discovery, assessment, and reuse, and what are the possibilities? Here are some key takeaways from the 2021 NISO Plus conference.

Where are the biggest scholarly publishing advances occurring? In this blog post, we look at three areas of innovation to watch.

How much do you know about your online journal readership? If you're not yet tracking publishing analytics, it may not be as much as you think. In this blog post, we're rounding up three analytics areas all journal teams should be assessing and why.

What is the role of Crossref content registration in journal discovery? Scholastica and Crossref dig into how making rich machine-readable metadata deposits to Crossref can help publishers greatly expand the potential reach and impacts of their articles in this free on-demand webinar.

Erich van Rijn, Director of Journals and Open Access at the University of California Press, discusses how he and his team are starting to incorporate Agile methods into publication planning to mitigate risk while testing new journal models.