Want to know how other editors are tracking and using altmetrics at their journals to see how you can start applying altmetrics to your publication?
In “Altmetrics for Editors: Engagement, influence, and authors,” a free webinar co-hosted by Scholastica and Altmetric, we asked representatives from 3 journals to explain how they’re using altmetrics impact indicators for both internal and external publication development and to offer advice for how other journals can do the same.
We encourage you to check out the webinar recording, featured below, which is also available on YouTube.
We’re grateful to the following panelists for joining us for this webinar:
- Phill Jones: Head of Publisher Outreach, Digital Science
- Aaron Weinstein: Managing Editor, Journals of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
- Dustin Lang: Digital Media and Supplements Coordinator, Journals of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons
- Paul Trevorrow: Executive Journals Editor, Wiley
- Chris Holmes: Serial and Reference Manager, SBL Press
Webinar Highlights:
“Altmetrics for Editors: Engagement, influence, and authors” offers a helpful mix of content, including an overview of what altmetrics are, an explanation of common misconceptions about altmetrics, and case studies of specific strategies and tactics journals have developed to to track and grow their altmetrics impact.
During the webinar, panelists shared the tools they’re using to track their journals’ altmetrics impact, as well as other impact indicators including: Altmetric badges, the SCImago Journal and Country Rank (SJR), Google Metrics and more. The panelists explained how they’re using altmetrics to:
- See early impact of articles before citations accrue
- Show broader impacts of articles beyond academia - such as mentions in mainstream media and Wikipedia
- Track success of journal promotion and outreach activities on Twitter, Facebook, journal blogs and more
- Communicate journal value to readers and submitting authors
This webinar highlights strategies that journals of all sizes can use to start tracking their altmetrics impact. We hope you find helpful tips that you can start applying to your publication. Check out the webinar recording above for the complete discussion!