Summer associate positions, events after work, preparing your next issue, traveling – summer is a break from school, but not much else. So how do you manage all of your summertime responsibilities while staying caught up with law review? We asked a group of law review editors to share tips on how they’re juggling law review and summer associate work. Check out their advice below!
How are you managing your responsibilities with law review while working this summer?
Be proactive, and don’t let things pile up
Catherine Connell, Editor in Chief of Seattle University Law Review
I was lucky enough to get a few weeks off between finals and starting work in which to gather myself. However, I think the best way to balance your responsibilities is to be proactive about law review, instead of reactionary. Set aside a couple hours on a weekend afternoon and set a game plan for the week. This way you’ll be actively chipping away at projects and deadlines, instead of letting everything pile up. And unfortunately, you have to use your weekends! It’s a simple fact, and the sooner you get accustomed to it the more efficient you will be.
Have a schedule and stick to it
Kathleen Boumans, Lead Articles Editor of Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce
I would say that I’ve been handling my responsibilities for the Journal in a few different ways. Everyday at lunch I check to see what, if any manuscripts have been submitted for review. I also try to read through at least one manuscript during my lunch hour. For the most part, on a daily basis, I am always keeping track of new manuscripts and taking notes on which ones to pass on to my partner [co-Lead Articles Editor]. My partner as well keeps track of new manuscripts and she lets me know which ones she would like me to review. Then, I have been dedicating Monday and Wednesday nights to the Journal. I read through as many manuscripts as I can, taking notes on which ones I would like my partner to take a look at as well. We pass manuscripts back and forth between us to try and find ones that we both agree on, and that we can make an offer on for publication. If I happen to notice a number of manuscripts being submitted on a certain day, I will try and set time aside that night as well to keep organized and track of what is coming in so we can stay on top of them.
Anonymous 3L Editor from a Chicago law school
I am the Managing & Solicitations Editor for a journal that focuses on children’s rights and I am working this summer at a medium sized firm that handles local government issues. Even with a full-time job, managing my editor duties has been very easy. In fact, I think it is easier than during the school year! While I am at work, I focus on work. Then I spend a couple hours in the evening throughout the week to get my journal work done. Some days are busier than others depending on where we are with publication, but overall it is very manageable!
Set expectations with your team
Graham Bryant, Senior Articles Editor of William & Mary Law Review
Communication is key. With summer, your editorial team is no longer in the same office or school–you’re across the country, or even world. As such, setting expectations up front is vital. Make sure everyone on the editorial team knows what the summer schedule is, what is expected of each level of editor, and how assignments will be distributed and turned in while away from the law school. With everyone working from the same baseline, it’s far easier to adjust when problems arise. As far as managing law review responsibilities on top of summer jobs, the key is to set aside a few hours after work each day, and then one of your weekend days. You have to leave one day free to handle other things and have a life, but as long as at least part of one of your weekend days can be spent on law review obligations, everything usually manages to get done.
Still try to enjoy summer
Summer can be a stressful time for staying on top of your law review responsibilities and team. But by communicating well with your board and dedicating time every week to law review, you’ll be much less likely to become overwhelmed this summer. And hey, maybe you’ll even have some time to lounge by the pool before the fall semester starts.
Do you have tips or tricks for keeping your law review on track this summer? Let us know on Twitter @scholasticaLR!