Check out the first post in The Open Access Stories series - an interview with OA pioneer Stevan Harnad!
In celebration of Open Access Week 2015, Scholastica is thrilled to present a new blog series - The Open Access Stories. During OA Week (10/19-10/25) we will be welcoming OA supporters to the blog to discuss how and why they are working to further the OA movement. These blog guests will include journal editors, scholar advocates, independent journalists, and founders of open research initiatives. We planned this series to contribute to this year’s OA Week theme, “Open for Collaboration.”
Sharing Individual and Collective OA Stories
The Open Access Stories will be presented as a series of interviews. We’ve asked contributors to answer a range of questions that speak to their role in the OA movement, including why and how they support OA, and what steps they believe still need to be taken to achieve a future of open scholarship.
This series brings together a diverse group of OA supporters working both within and beyond the academic community. It has been a pleasure to hear their perspectives, to learn about the teams they are working with to further the collective goal of making research OA, and to find both variances and nexuses in opinion among series contributors. The Open Access Stories series brings forth a robust dialogue that we are excited to share with you.
Join the Discussion - Tweet #MyOAStory
We want The Open Access Stories series to live beyond the Scholastica blog and invite you to join this open discussion via social media. Share how you are involved in the OA movement, why you support it, and what steps you think still need to be taken by using the hashtag #MyOAStory on Twitter and Facebook. We look forward to hearing and sharing your OA story!
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License.