When I say law review submissions, you say? Bring it on! - right?
Okay, maybe you’re not quite so pumped up about the submission process, but with the right resources you can be sure to feel more confident and even somewhat excited about submitting to law reviews. Scholastica has a bunch of great resources to help you navigate the ins and outs of preparing and submitting your article. Check them out!
Follow #LRSubmissions on Twitter to track journal openings
You could conduct a lengthy series of Google searches to check whether or not the law reviews you’re interested in submitting to are accepting articles - or you could just follow the Twitter hashtag #LRSubmissions. Scholastica will be tweeting all openings the day that they occur using #LRSubmissions. We’ll be linking these law review opening announcements to our table of open and closed law reviews, which you can search and sort to explore the status of all Scholastica law reviews.
We’re also inviting law reviews accepting articles on Scholastica to use #LRSubmissions to announce:
- When they start article selection
- Reading and decision timeframes
- Resources and advice for authors
How else can you use #LRSubmissions?
We invite you, as an author, to use #LRSubmissions to share submission season advice and pose questions to legal scholars and law review editors who will also be following this hashtag.
Visit The Scholastica Law Review Submissions Center: Author Resources Page
Remember that table of open and closed law reviews that we said we’d be linking all law review opening tweets to? You can access that table at any time by visiting The Scholastica Law Review Submissions Center: Author Resources site. Here you’ll also find instructions and pro-tips for submitting to law reviews on Scholastica, helpful blog posts, and even submission season stats. That’s right - we dug into the Scholastica data to create a series of interactive graphs (anonymized and aggregated, of course) with insights on when:
- law reviews open for submissions
- authors submit manuscripts
- authors request expedited decisions
- law reviews make article decisions
We’ll be updating this site to keep the content fresh, so be sure to check back for new tips and articles on law review submissions!
Help Guides and support
Have a question about how to submit via Scholastica? We’re here to help! Check out our law review submission help docs for explanations of the most common submission questions. If you aren’t finding the answer you need - no problem! You can send us a live chat message from the Scholastica website or email us at support@scholasticahq.com.