Did you miss our “Harnessing the journal discovery benefits of Crossref content registration” webinar? You can still watch it on demand. Check out the full recording below.
When it comes to improving journal discovery, most publishers focus on indexing articles in scholarly databases and search engine optimization (both of which are key!), but there’s another even more fundamental area to consider — content registration.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) registration is one of the most important steps in academic journal publishing, not only to create persistent links to articles but also to expand their reach. Publishers that register content through Crossref, one of the most commonly used DOI registration agencies, gain access to an array of article discovery and citation insight benefits.
What is the role of Crossref content registration in article discovery? And what are the latest tools and opportunities available to Crossref members to make their content easier to find, cite, link, and assess online?
Scholastica and Crossref dug into these questions during our webinar “Harnessing the potential of Crossref content registration for journal discovery,” held on Thursday the 4th of February, 2021.
Webinar discussion overview
Journal publishers who join Crossref become part of a global network of over 17,000 member organizations. In doing so, and depositing article-level metadata into Crossref, they make it possible for their articles to be discovered by the MANY scholars and services using Crossref to find relevant content and draw connections between related research. From library databases to collaborative authoring and reading tools to analytics providers, organizations across the scholarly communication ecosystem are leveraging Crossref metadata.
This webinar focuses on how making rich machine-readable metadata deposits to Crossref can help journal publishers greatly expand the reach and impacts of their articles. Crossref Member Experience Manager Anna Tolwinska and Scholastica CEO and Co-founder Brian Cody cover:
- How Crossref metadata is made available to discovery services
- The latest Crossref metadata management tools for members
- Ways publishers can use Crossref to see how their journal articles are being linked to and cited
- Best practices for making rich machine-readable metadata deposits to Crossref and the core elements to include
Ultimately, by depositing more rich machine-readable metadata into Crossref, publishers can create more opportunities for their articles to be discovered online. This webinar walks through how to identify gaps in metadata and more effectively collect and deposit a range of bibliographic and non-bibliographic metadata into Crossref, such as article license information, ORCIDs, and funder IDs.
Watch the webinar on demand and explore more resources
We encourage you to check out the full “Harnessing the journal discovery benefits of Crossref content registration” webinar recording featured above, which is also available on YouTube here. In addition to this webinar, be sure to also explore the many content registration and discovery resources on Crossref’s website.
To learn more about how Scholastica is helping journals produce enriched machine-readable metadata for their articles and integrate with publishing service providers like Crossref, check out this blog post.