Now through September 25, 2016 Scholastica is running a Twitter contest for the best law review haiku. Follow us at @scholasticahq and tweet a relevant haiku with the hashtag #LawRevHaiku for the chance to win. Details below!
The time has come to contemplate the many facets and raw emotions of law review submissions and publishing. Put on your best poet’s beret or other artistic headgear of choice and get ready to write some law review themed haikus.
Now through September 25, 2016 Scholastica is running a Twitter contest for the best law review haikus. We invite editors and authors to tweet haikus related to the law review submission and publishing process with the hashtag #LawRevHaiku for the chance to win a small prize and guaranteed amusement. We’ll be rewarding gift cards to the top three law review haikus on September 26, 2016.
Entering the #LawRevHaiku Competition
Entering the law review haiku Twitter competition is easy! Just tweet a relevant haiku - remember these poems should be three lines of five, seven, and five syllables - with the hashtag #LawRevHaiku. You can tweet as many law review haikus as you like - there’s no limit!
There isn’t an exact science to how we’ll be judging this competition, but we will have certain criteria in mind.
We’re looking for law review haikus that:
- Offer an original and engaging take on law review submissions or publishing
- Elicit an emotional response - whether it be laughter or tears (but hopefully not tears!)
- Follow proper formatting, of course!
Bonus points for law review haikus that evoke traditional Japanese style by using images from nature, powerful allusions and comparisons, and simple and direct expressions.
The goal of this contest is to bring enjoyment to the law review submissions and publishing process (which we know can be trying!). We’ll be looking for the top three haikus that offer the most amusement. So take a moment to breathe in deeply, get into a zen state of mind, and have some fun writing haikus.
Selecting the Winners
We’ll be selecting the #LawRevHaiku contest winners on September 26, 2016. Winners will be announced on Twitter by us at @scholasticahq. We’ll also direct message (DM) all winners to notify them of their victory and coordinate the prize hand-off. Be sure to follow @scholasticahq so you can receive a DM from us should you be chosen as a winner (DMs can only be sent between Twitter accounts that follow each other).