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3 Steps to Attract More Quality Submissions to Your Scholarly Journal

Are you looking to attract more quality submissions to your journal? It's an ongoing goal and, at times, a struggle for many editorial teams. In this blog post, we round up some of the most effective steps you can take to attract more quality submissions to your journal.

Using metrics to optimize the aspects of peer review you can control and those you can't: Interview with Jennifer Mahar

In this interview, Jennifer Mahar, Executive Peer Review Manager at Origin Editorial, shares how she uses data insights to iteratively improve areas of peer review within editorial control, like the time it takes to complete manuscript quality checks, as well as areas outside of editorial control, like reviewer response rates.

Helping a journal apply to PMC when you've never done it before

Looking to add one or more journals to PubMed Central, but not sure where to start? Scholastica Co-Founder and CEO Brian Cody presented an overview of how to apply during LPForum 2020. Here are the key takeaways from his presentation and the full recording.

The State of Journal Production and Access: New survey of society and university publishers

How are scholarly society, university press, and library publishers currently approaching journal production and access? And what are their future priorities? To help gather collective insights in these areas, Scholastica is conducting a survey on The State of Journal Production and Access.

4 Ways to streamline journal peer review for a faster time to publication

With ingenuity and attention to detail, there are many aspects of journal operations that can be optimized to cut down publication time. In this post, we look at four ways journals can decrease days to manuscript decision to publish new articles faster.

APS reaches out to researchers about OA Publishing: Interview with Stacey Burke

In this interview, Director of Publications Marketing and Sales at the American Physiological Society, Stacey Burke, shares how APS is working to educate authors about open access publishing options.

Becoming Plan S compliant: JHEOR works with Scholastica to fulfill the implementation guidelines

In this blog post, the managing editors of the Journal of Health Economics and Outcomes Research share their experience working with Scholastica to fulfill the current Plan S implementation guidelines, and why becoming Plan S compliant is a primary goal for JHEOR.

The Making of a Medical Student Journal: Insights from The BSDJ

In this interview, the founding editors of The British Student Doctor Journal share their experience launching the journal with Cardiff University Press, and why they believe there should be more dedicated medical student publications.

Plan S reports and resources for journal publishers: 2020 Edition

In this post, we round up some of the latest Plan S reports and resources to help make navigating the transition timeline a little easier. We will continue to add updates and new resources to this list as they become available.

5 Scholarly Publishing Trends to Watch in 2020

Where are the biggest scholarly publishing advances occurring? In this blog post, we look at five trends to watch in the new year.