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7 Ways to find new journal peer reviewers this year

Is your editorial board struggling to find peer reviewers for your latest manuscript submissions? This blog post is full of actionable tips to help.

5 Ways to build a database of journal peer reviewers you can rely on

Given how difficult it is to find peer reviewers, it's vital for journal editors to consistently work to build a database of willing candidates and prioritize referee retention initiatives above all else. Here are some tips to help!

5 New Year's Resolutions for Academic Journal Editors

The new year is a blank slate (or should we say screen?) of opportunity waiting for your journal team to make its mark! This blog post rounds up five New Year's resolutions for editors to help you get started.

Reviewing similarity reports: quick guide and FAQs with Crossref's Fabienne Michaud

How should journal editors approach plagiarism detection to ensure accuracy while maximizing efficiency? Fabienne Michaud, Product Manager for Crossref's Similarity Check service powered by iThenticate, discusses best practices and the latest similarity reporting features.

From the grassroots: 7 ways journal publishers can promote climate justice

To help promote conversations and initiatives happening around climate justice in scholarly publishing this Open Access Week, Scholastica is highlighting seven ways academy journal publishers can facilitate climate justice from the grassroots. We invite you to share additional ideas and examples in the comments section!

Implementing and iterating on journal authorship policies: Answers to FAQs

Knowing who should count as an author in different research scenarios isn't always obvious. That's why having clear authorship policies is so important. In this blog post, we round up answers to FAQs we've heard from editors working to implement new authorship guidelines and hone existing ones.

How AIB Insights moved to double-anonymized peer review and expanded its readership with the help of Scholastica

AIB Insights' lead editor William Newburry discusses how the journal's team approached the transition from editorial review to peer review and why they chose to use Scholastica. Since then, they've maintained speedy publication times, expanded from four yearly issues to five, and grown their readership.

Building Upon Research Integrity Best Practices: New toolkit for journals and authors

Throughout Peer Review Week 2022, Scholastica and Research Square shared blogs on tools to help journals and authors foster research integrity across disciplines. In this post, we culminate the series by bringing together all those resources to create a Research Integrity Toolkit, including an infographic.

Research Integrity Tools for Journals: Plagiarism detection best practices

Verifying the originality of submissions is foundational to upholding the research integrity of any scholarly publication. In this post, Head of Marketing and Community Development at Scholastica Danielle Padula discusses plagiarism detection best practices for journals.

Research Integrity Tools for Journals: Improving reproducibility and replicability

In recent years, research reproducibility and replicability have become hot-button issues as a result of failed attempts to recreate many previously published studies. In this post, freelance scholarly publishing writer Victoria Kitchener discusses steps journals can take to help.