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Predatory publishing has no place on Scholastica

To keep predatory journals off Scholastica, we've developed a set of requirements journals must meet before they can be activated and allowed to accept submissions.

Recent Improvements: Submit reviews on behalf of reviewers and advanced manuscript search

New features to empower editors to keep peer review moving forward including, the ability to accept and submit reviews on behalf of reviewers, and advanced manuscript search.

An Infographic View of Gowers's Elsevier Exposé

The Scholastica team compiled an infographic of Timothy Gowers' research uncovering how much universities are actually paying for Elsevier journals.

Does Predatory Publishing Start With Publication Fees?

Open access isn't the problem – it's that we have a system of publication fees, mostly a relic of a bygone era, that has provided monetary incentives for predatory publishers.

Open Access Made Easy. Starring Bertrand Russell and friends.

Our friends Bertrand Russell, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Simone de Beauvoir, and Maurice and Merleau-Ponty had success using Scholastica recently and wanted their story told.

Open Access ≠ Open Source

This post is responding to the question: 'Hey, why isn't Scholastica open source?' To answer this, you need to know three simple truths about Scholastica that the rest of this post elaborates on...

Challenges of improving scholarly publishing

Wanted to share some of the high level take-aways that Team Scholastica has been tossing around as we grow the business and improve academic publishing.

What's Wrong With Academic Publishing?

A Library Sciences Masters student, recently sent us a Slideshare presentation titled, 'What's Wrong With Scholarly Publishing Today?'by Bjorn Brembs . It provided a ton of illuminating data on problems that scientists see with academic publishing.

What does 'Peer Review' mean anyway?

I decided to get a little 'academic-y' and do some research on the peer review process because when I thought about my own experience, it went something like this...

UK Government Report on Peer Review

The UK House of Commons Science and Technology Committee today released a report on 'Peer Review in Scientific Publications.' They find much room for improvement, especially suggesting a need for greater transparency