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Data is King: Tracking Internal Performance Metrics at Your Journal

Many scholarly journals have begun tracking journal performance metrics to get a granular view of their peer review processes.

How to Write a Humane Rejection Letter: Advice from a Journal Editor

Anita Harris managing editor of SubStance: A Review of Theory and Literary Criticism shares tips to write constructive rejections that authors may actually appreciate

The Business of Open Access Publishing: Submission vs Processing Fees

Rather than charge authors article processing fees upon acceptance, some journals charge every author a relatively small manuscript submission fee instead. The benefits of this model are several.

Tips for Handling Editorial Board Transitions at Your Academic Journal

Having a plan in place to quickly and efficiently bring on new editors can smooth editorial board transitions and help spur positive innovations at your journal.

Staying Ahead of the Curve in Academic Journal Promotion: Tips from Deborah Bowman, GIE

As more academics seek to find and share research on the web, innovations in digital journal publishing and promotion are becoming more important than ever.

Inside the Editors' Office Webinar Launching a Sustainable Open Access Journal

During free on-demand webinar editors share tales from the field and insights on what it takes to get an open access publication off the ground.

Seven questions to ask yourself when you're redesigning your journal's website

If you're planning on revamping your journal's website, here are seven questions your editorial board should ask yourselves before getting started.

A Pay-it-Forward Approach to Open Access Publishing: Interview with Neil Christensen of UC Press

Neil Christensen is helping pioneer a new model for OA publishing, by giving value back to the academic community in dollars.

A New Guide to Launching an Open Access Journal - The OA Journal Starter Kit

The OA Journal Starter Kit has all the information you'll need to get a new open access journal up and running.

Finding a Niche as a New Open Access Journal: An Interview with Dr. Jesper Sørensen

Are you starting an open-access journal? Learn why carving out a niche in the marketplace is critical to standing out to authors and readers in this blog post.