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The Challenge of Brand-Name Journals and OA: Interview with Stuart Taylor

Royal Society Publishing Director Stuart Taylor sees promise in recent digital publishing innovations, but he believes scholars' continued focus on publishing in brand-name journals may be holding back open access publishing progress.

How Libraries Can Help Journals Cut Corporate Ties: LPForum Presentation Recap

During the 2017 LPForum Scholastica presented ways libraries can facilitate the democratization of academic journals beyond library publishing programs. Here's a recap.

Does your academic journal website make these 3 mistakes?

If your journal's online publication looks eerily similar to your printed issues, then you have a bit of a problem. This blog post rounds up 3 common journal website mistakes and how to fix them.

Alternative Facts and the Brain: Why people are susceptible to misperception and what to do about it

Neuroscientists Susana Martinez-Conde and Stephen L. Macknik discuss what individuals and the scholarly community can do to curb the spread of alternative facts.

White Paper Calls for 21st Century Solution to Serials Crisis

Scholastica announces the release of Democratizing Academic Journals: Technology, Services, and Open Access, a free-to-read white paper. The paper argues democratization of journal publishing is the key to lowering journal costs and facilitating Open Access.

How Collabra is Changing University Press Journal Publishing: Interview with Dan Morgan

What will the future of university press journal publishing look like? The University of California Press has been pioneering one possibility with its Collabra journals program.

How Bidding for Publishing Services Could Lower Academic Journal Costs

Björn Brembs explains why he believes journal publishing should be upended from the current model, in which institutions pay publishers for access to content, to one in which the academic community pays for services to publish content and retains ownership of research.

How Internet Mathematics is Publishing Solo Using Scholastica Open Access Publishing

When Taylor & Francis discontinued the publication of Internet Mathematics the editors decided to take over the journal. Editor-in-Chief Anthony Bonato shares their experience relaunching the journal on Scholastica.

Editage Insights Asks Authors for Their Opinions on Academic Publishing

Clarinda Cerejo, editor-in-chief of Editage Insights, discusses Author Perspectives on the Academic Publishing Process, a new survey aimed at giving authors a voice in debates about the state of journal publishing.

No 'Winner Model' for Open Access: Interview with Roxanne Missingham

Can an ideal open access publishing model be determined in time to prevent more researchers from losing access to journals? Roxanne Missingham argues embracing a variety of publishing approaches is the answer.