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Highlights from the 2017 ISMTE North American Conference

Last week we attended the ISMTE North American Conference. In this post we highlight conference sessions we were able to go to, including our presentation on polishing your peer review process.

Elsevier's Acquisition of bepress: What comes next?

What will Elsevier's acquisition of bepress mean for the journals and institutions that rely on Digital Commons to host open access content? We explore this question following the recent news.

Authors and APCs: 5 Things Academic Journal Publishers Should Know

What is the author experience with article processing charges like? In this blog post we break down 5 key insights from a 2017 Knowledge Exchange report from surveys of researchers throughout Europe.

Dignity: A self-starter scholarly journal story

Donna Hughes discusses how she started the open access journal Dignity: A Journal on Sexual Exploitation and Violence and why she chose to do so without a publisher.

Maintaining Reproducible Journal Metrics: Interview with Jason Roberts

How are most journals doing in the pursuit of gathering and analyzing meaningful performance data? According to Jason Roberts, Senior Partner at Origin Editorial, the majority could use some work.

Advice for Avoiding Unclear Manuscript Decisions and the Revise and Resubmit Merry-Go-Round

Wendy Laura Belcher, former managing editor of Aztlán Journal of Chicano Studies, discusses how to avoid the perils of unclear communication with authors around manuscript decisions and ongoing revise and resubmit requests.

A Library Publishing Hub at University of Michigan: Interview with Jason Colman

One leading example of a successful library publishing program is Michigan Publishing out of University of Michigan Library. In this interview Jason Colman, Director of Michigan Publishing Services, shares his experience with the program and how it works.

Webinar on Demand: OA Advocates Weigh in on Democratization of Academic Journals

Did you miss the live stream of Scholastica's webinar, OA Advocates Weigh in on the Democratization of Academic Journals? You can watch it on-demand!

Why you should have regular academic journal strategic planning meetings and what to include: Interview with Dana Compton

Dana Compton, Senior Consulting Associate at KWF Consulting, shares an overview of why strategic planning is so important for journals and advice on what to cover in your next strategic planning meeting.

Doing More With Less: ITE Journal Uses Scholastica for More Efficient Peer Review

Two years since she started using Scholastica, Managing Editor of ITE Journal Marianne Saglam says she's less stressed about managing the journal because Scholastica keeps working for her ensuring peer review stays organized even when she isn't actively managing it.