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3 Reasons to View Your Peer Review System from the POV of Authors and Reviewers

When selecting an online system to receive manuscript submissions and manage peer review most academic journals focus on the experience and needs of their editorial team - but what about authors and reviewers?

4 ways to get higher quality peer review comments

While you can't guarantee that your journal will receive top-notch reviewer comments all of the time, there are some steps your editorial team can take to improve reviewer comment quality.

Trends in Scholar Reading Behavior: What journal publishers need to know

In this post we highlight key takeaways from the 2018 How Readers Discover Content in Scholarly Publications report and what the findings mean for journal publishers.

Launch of the Coalition for Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarly Communications: Interview with Melanie Dolechek

In this interview, Melanie Dolechek, executive director of the Society for Scholarly Publishing, discusses the launch of The Coalition for Diversity and Inclusion in Scholarly Communications, a group of 10 associations coming together to address the lack of diversity in scholarly communication.

Year in Review: Scholastica Highlights from 2018

The start of a new year is always a good time for reflection. Before we dive into 2019, we wanted to take the opportunity to look back at some highlights from last year and our plans for the year ahead.

Ways societies are transitioning subscription journals to OA: Interview with Mikael Laakso

In the wake of Plan S and other recent open access mandates, the need to rethink subscription-based journal publishing models is becoming more pressing for scholarly societies and associations around the world. In this interview, Mikael Laakso, Associate Professor at Hanken School of Economics, discusses his research on ways societies are transitioning journals to OA models.

3 Reasons to use an academic journal website template

Today, keeping a current journal website doesn't have to involve learning to use complex content management systems or getting a development team to write custom code. Another option is to use an easy-to-edit website template made for academic journals. In this post, we outline three key benefits of using a website template.

Webinar on Demand: How to Start or Flip an Open Access Journal - editors and publishers share their stories

In this recorded webinar publishers and editors share their experience launching new open access journals as well as transitioning paywalled journals to open access publishing models.

Free Webinar: How to Start or Flip an Open Access Journal

On December 5th, 2018 at 10 AM EST Scholastica is hosting a free webinar—How to Start or Flip an Open Access Journal: Publishers and editors share their stories. We'll be discussing the benefits of academic-led publishing as well as the ins and outs of running academic-led journals.

3 areas of peer review journals should regularly audit

Every journal's peer review process can use some polishing from time to time. In this blog post we outline three areas of peer review that all journals should audit and how to approach data collection.