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New Feature: Todos!

The Todo Dashboard is a collection of your journal's to-dos across all manuscripts. You can drill down into just the tasks assigned to you, or just the tasks you've assigned to others.

October Improvements: Hide certain manuscripts, see the number of replies on a thread and more!

Here's the latest on how Scholastica is making your user-experience even better.

New Features and Improvements to Scholastica: January & February 2014

We've hit the ground running this year - deploying a long list of improvements and new features to make the gantlet of scholarly publishing more streamlined and less stressful.

Friday Feature New manuscript notes

Editors have a new way to organize their manuscript workflow: a notes section on the manuscript details page.

Setting up a splashpage with Heroku and Sinatra.

In this post, I'll show you how we setup our Scholastica splash page in under an hour using Heroku and Sinatra. Also, it's free.