We've introduced updates to make it even easier for readers to find and view relevant content from Scholastica journal websites, as well as the ability to add ORCIDs to articles.
In order to improve editors' experience managing peer reviewers on Scholastica, we've just overhauled the Reviewers Table and individual reviewer pages designs and added some helpful functionality. Learn more!
Introducing a new decision show page that makes it easier for authors and editors to review the details of a decision letter, as well as the ability for editors to set a target number of reviews per manuscript.
We've added RSS feeds to all journal profiles as well as Scholastica's new journal websites. Now readers can plug a journal's RSS feed into their favorite RSS aggregator so that all new content from the journal is automatically added to it.
We've just added the ability for editors to create Discussion templates in Scholastica. That means you can make templates for commonly-sent Discussion messages and keep reusing them.
Updates to help editors more easily track individual manuscripts during peer review and increase the discoverability of articles published on Scholastica.
In the coming months Scholastica is rolling out a website template designed for academic journals. You choose the images, colors, branding, and custom domain for your website. Get the details!
We've added a new Browse Articles page to the Scholastica website to showcase all articles published on Scholastica. Get the details!
New features to help you tailor your journal's peer review and publishing process, including: reviewer tags, Digital Object Identifier metadata, and custom journal subdomains.
We've rebuilt publishing from the ground up to make it even more efficient for your journal, with new functionality and an improved design.