Now journals using Scholastica for open access publishing can set up automated Digital Object Identifier (DOI) registration and machine-readable metadata deposits via Crossref. Read on for the full details!
Scholastica announces the release of a Product Roadmap detailing new features to help journals comply with Plan S and sustainably meet core technical publishing standards.
This month we've made some exciting updates to Scholastica's open access publishing platform, production service, and peer review software. Now journals have the ability to set a default Creative Commons copyright license for all articles published using Scholastica, add author notes to typesetting requests, and more.
Adding a custom page to your Scholastica journal website template is easy, and it's free! In this post, we overview examples of effective custom journal website pages and how to add a custom page to your Scholastica journal website template.
In the past few weeks, we've introduced some exciting updates to Scholastica's production service to better serve the needs of journals across disciplines. We're making it easier for editors to submit articles for production, giving journals new options for styling their PDF articles, and more.
Now if you use Scholastica Open Access Publishing, and your journal is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), you can have all of your articles automatically deposited into the index - get the details!
Now journals using Scholastica Open Access Publishing can have their articles automatically deposited into the Portico digital preservation service - get the details!
We introduced some updates to Scholastica's Peer Review System and OA Publishing Platform, including improvements to how editors and reviewers communicate with each other, easier file downloading for editors, and readership analytics displayed on all HTML articles. Learn more!
Now journals publishing on Scholastica can add a custom page to their website and journals using Scholastica's Production Service will get Google Scholar links in all of their references. Check out these latest features!
Scholastica announces the official launch of a new digital-first production service for journals. We use a software-based process to produce PDF, HTML, and full-text XML article files from a single source quickly and affordably.