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KJLPP announces special issue on race relations: Q&A with Jared Jevons

In this interview, Editor in Chief of the Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy, Jared Jevons, shares the details of the journal's upcoming special issue on race relations and how they are working to create a forum for public policy solutions to address systemic racism.

How WLR is cultivating a bias-conscious editorial culture since implementing blind article selection

In this interview, members of Washington Law Review discuss their experience transitioning to a blind article selection process and steps they're taking to make implicit bias education part of new editor training.

The Black Lives Matter Movement and Preventing Police Use of Lethal Force: Interview with Mitch Crusto

In this interview, Mitch Crusto, Distinguished Professor of Law at Loyola University New Orleans, discusses the many obstacles to police reform in the US legal system and the transformational change he believes is needed to both save lives and foster community policing.

Benefits of Online-Only Publishing for Law Reviews

When will law reviews make the transition from print-driven to digitally-driven publishing models? Will they ever? In this blog post, we explore some of the potential benefits of law reviews embracing fully online publishing models as argued by legal scholars.

[Webinar on Demand] New to Law Review: Everything you want to know but can't find online

In this free webinar on demand, we cover top article selection and online publishing best practices. If you're new to law review, tune in to learn how to make the most of your e-board tenure!

Stay-at-home orders and the right to travel: Interview with Mitchell Crusto

In this interview, Mitchell Crusto, Professor of Law at Loyola University, discusses his research on the constitutionality of extended stay-at-home orders, and the potential impacts of such orders on marginalized populations.

Launching an immigrant advocate training program at Villanova: Interview with Michele Pistone

In this interview, Michele Pistone, Director of the Clinic for Asylum, Refugee and Emigrant Services (CARES) and Professor of Law at Villanova University, discusses how she is developing a new immigrant advocate training program at Villanova called VIISTA.

What MLK's last book teaches about social inequity today: Interview with Harold McDougall

In this interview, Harold McDougall, professor of law at Howard University, discusses his forthcoming article about the key themes of Dr. King's last book and how they apply to civil rights and social inequities today.

When to Make a Training Plan for Your Next Law Review Board and What to Include

The best way to help new law review editors get on track fast is to make a training plan. In this blog post, we share steps you can take to start preparing for your law review's next board transition. It will come up faster than you think!

Approaching Aging Federal Judges in America: Interview with Francis X. Shen

In this interview, Associate Professor of Law and McKnight Presidential Fellow at the University of Minnesota, Francis X. Shen, discusses his forthcoming article on aging federal judges and how he believes regular, confidential cognitive assessment can help empower judges to know if and when they should consider retirement.