Now through September 25, 2016 Scholastica is running a Twitter contest for the best law review haiku. Tweet a relevant haiku with the hashtag #LawRevHaiku for the chance to win.
American Criminal Law Review's Chief Strategy Editor shares how his team approached the redesign of their publication's online presence.
One law review shares how and why they made their contribution to advancing legal discourse online: NYU Law Review's 'The Merrick Garland Project'
A former EIC reflects on his law review tenure.
Editors from Vermont Law Review share their symposium-planning experience.
Editors from Buffalo Law Review share how they are organizing their annual symposia.
Templates help you send decisions to authors faster. This post has samples for law review publication offer and rejection templates.
This month Minnesota Law Review published a series of essays on the legacy of the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Lead Online Editor Charles Barrera Moore shares the details.
Templates are a way to save time and be more communicative with authors. Here are 3 samples you can work from as you write your own common correspondence templates.
We interviewed two law review editors-in-chief about how their teams handle electronic manuscript edits.